Laser Treatment for Eye Pressure - SLT
For the treatment of eye pressure, different methods have been developed. One of these is a laser treatment method known as SLT Treatment. Eye pressure occurs when the fluid inside the eye has a pressure higher than normal. This condition can affect the optic nerve and cause vision loss. SLT Treatment aims to reduce eye pressure by increasing the drainage of the fluid inside the eye. This highly effective and very safe method can reduce the high intraocular pressure of the patient by up to 30%. The procedure is completed within minutes and starts to show its effect shortly.
Who is Suitable for SLT Treatment?
It is generally applied to people with eye pressure that cannot be controlled with eye drops or other medical treatments. It may also be an option for those who are not suitable for surgical intervention for eye pressure. SLT Treatment is a comfortable treatment that can be safely chosen by any glaucoma patient who has been previously diagnosed with eye pressure (glaucoma), whether they have used medication or not. However, your eye doctor will determine the most suitable treatment method for your eye.
Laser Treatment for Eye Pressure - SLT Prices
The cost of laser treatment for eye pressure (SLT) varies depending on the underlying cause, the operation to be performed, and the special examination and detailed measurements to be made for your eye. The treatment plan created by our specialist eye doctor based on the results of a detailed examination may vary from person to person.
For appointment and price information, please click here.The information above is for informational purposes only. If you have a medical concern or question, please make an appointment with our eye doctors.