Post-Surgery Medications

After cataract surgery, patients are typically prescribed medications, mainly eye drops, to aid in the healing process and prevent infection. It is crucial to follow the doctor's instructions regarding these medications to ensure a smooth recovery.

Phaco Surgery for Cataract Treatment

Phacoemulsification is a common method for cataract treatment, involving small incisions and the use of ultrasonic waves to remove the cloudy lens. Additional tools may be necessary for certain types of cataracts. For example, iris hooks might be used if the pupil does not dilate adequately. This method is particularly beneficial for patients with diabetes or uveitis who may have non-dilating pupils. The procedure requires the expertise of an experienced surgeon and involves the replacement of the clouded lens with a clear artificial one, along with the application of antibiotics to prevent infection.

Cataract Treatment Costs

The cost of cataract treatment can vary depending on the surgical technique used and the type of lens chosen. Your eye doctor will help you select the most suitable lens based on your lifestyle and professional needs. Therefore, the overall cost of the surgery may vary accordingly.

To book an appointment and get price information, please click here.

For more information or if you have any medical concerns, please schedule an appointment with one of our doctors.