Premium Smart Trifocal Toric Lenses
Premium Smart Trifocal Toric Lenses are widely used in cataract treatment today. Cataracts are among the most common eye diseases. Cataracts are defined as the clouding of the eye's transparent lens and the insufficient transmission of light to the eye. Cataracts can occur for various reasons, the most important being age. As age progresses, changes occur in the protein structure of the lens, leading to more blurred vision.
They are most commonly seen in individuals aged 52-64. However, the possibility of treatment makes cataracts a less serious problem. After treatment, a new lens is implanted, correcting the vision problems caused by this condition. Premium Smart Trifocal Toric Lenses are implanted inside the eye during a short operation, allowing the patient to recover quickly.
What Are Premium Smart Trifocal Toric Lenses?
Many advancements are happening every day in the field of medicine. These advancements make it possible to treat diseases quickly. Among the most significant developments in eye treatments is the production of smart intraocular lenses. Premium Smart Trifocal Toric lenses are lenses that can be implanted in a certain age group and used without problems for a lifetime. When the natural lenses in the eye lose their flexibility, cataract development can be observed. This makes seeing quite difficult. These lenses are also implanted inside the eye after cataract surgery.
They are the latest technology lenses used in the treatment of cataracts. They provide excellent vision at near, intermediate, and far distances, just like natural lenses. Besides eliminating cataracts, they are also considered a solution for correcting myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism.
What Are the Advantages of Premium Smart Trifocal Toric Lenses?
Smart lenses are categorized into three main groups. One of these is premium smart trifocal toric lenses. These lenses correct astigmatism, myopia, and hyperopia, as well as provide clear vision at intermediate, distant, and near distances. These issues cannot be corrected with standard lenses. However, with Premium Smart Trifocal Toric Lenses, they can be permanently corrected. Patients can see more comfortably without the need for glasses after the operation. The main benefits provided by smart lenses are:
Who Can Use Trifocal Toric Lenses?
Trifocal toric lenses are applied to individuals with cataracts and/or problems with astigmatism, myopia, and hyperopia. These lenses are specially developed intraocular lenses. If astigmatism patients have an irregularity in the cornea or eye lens, refractive error and blurred vision will be present at all distances. In such cases, toric lenses are specifically designed to correct this problem. If the patient has astigmatism in addition to myopia and hyperopia, toric lenses should be used. The doctor will explain in detail to the patient which lens is suitable based on the degree of the patient's eye problems.
Trifocal toric intraocular lenses are special lenses used to correct astigmatism during cataract surgery. The aim is to correct the existing astigmatism during cataract surgery. Toric lenses are specially developed for this purpose.
How Are Trifocal Toric Lenses Implanted?
If the patient's astigmatism is related to the cornea and follows a regular pattern, trifocal toric intraocular lens implantation is performed during cataract surgery. With these lenses, high astigmatism treatment yields more successful results.
Premium Smart Trifocal Toric Lenses not only correct astigmatism but also help improve vision at near, intermediate, and far distances. They are ideal for patients who do not want to use glasses. For the implantation of these lenses, a thorough evaluation of the patient before the surgical procedure is necessary. The technique used is not very different from cataract surgery. It is a surgical procedure that can be performed under topical (drop) anesthesia. By consulting an experienced and specialized doctor, you can have your eye problems resolved.
Phaco Method for Cataract Treatment
Phaco surgery is one of the most commonly used methods for cataract treatment. Its main advantage is that it is performed with mini incisions. It is usually performed under topical anesthesia. No stitches are used during this procedure. Cataract surgery requires microsurgery. For the success of phaco surgery, the surgeon must be highly experienced in the field. Proper pre-operative examinations and ensuring the sterilization of the operating room are crucial. Additionally, the quality of the materials used directly affects the success of the surgery.
Premium Smart Trifocal Lenses
Premium Smart Trifocal Lenses are intraocular lenses that help you see clearly without glasses at near, intermediate, and far distances. Single-focus lenses make the use of reading glasses necessary, while trifocal lenses offer three-focus vision, eliminating the need for glasses. The three-focus feature allows patients to perform distant, intermediate, and near activities without glasses.
Multifocal Lenses
Multifocal Lenses are a type of smart lens used to treat multiple eye defects. Some patients may have problems seeing both near and far. For these conditions, they may need to use two different types of glasses. Some may also have difficulty seeing near while seeing far clearly. Smart lenses have been developed to correct different conditions simultaneously. Multifocal lenses are one of these.
Monofocal Lenses
Monofocal Lenses are one of the types of lenses placed in the eye during cataract surgery. Cataracts are the clouding of the eye's transparent lens, causing loss of light transmission due to various reasons. This problem can arise from numerous causes, such as excessive sun exposure, eye trauma, aging, exposure to toxic chemicals, and changes in the body's metabolism. Intensive use of corticosteroid medications can also lead to cataract formation. Surgery is the most important treatment for this issue.
Monofocal Toric Lenses
Monofocal Toric Lenses are single-focus lenses that help correct astigmatism. These lenses are used during cataract surgery by replacing the patient's natural lens. Astigmatism is a condition that causes blurred vision due to irregular curvature of the cornea or lens. These lenses correct the irregular curvature and provide clear vision. Monofocal toric lenses provide the wearer with a focus on distant objects only. Therefore, the patient may need additional visual aids (reading glasses) for near vision.
How Much Does Premium Smart Trifocal Toric Lens Cost?
Premium smart trifocal toric lens prices vary depending on the underlying cause, the type of lens, and the procedure to be performed. The treatment plan created by our specialist eye doctor based on a detailed examination may vary from person to person.
For appointment and price information, please click here.The information above is for informational purposes only. If you have a medical concern or question, please make an appointment with our eye doctors.