Starting the new year in good health is at the top of everyone's wish list. With Excimer Laser treatments, you can bid farewell to the complaints of not seeing well up close or far away and embrace a brand-new look without glasses.
Each Person's Eyes Are as Unique as Their DNA and Fingerprints!
Kudret Eye Istanbul’s Chief Physician, Dr. Nail Sönmez, explains the importance of a personalized treatment plan for correcting vision defects with laser technology: “Excimer laser is a technology that eliminates the need for glasses or contact lenses by addressing myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism complaints. It has been used worldwide for over 20 years. The most distinguishing factor in treatment is creating a personalized and appropriate treatment plan, carried out by experienced doctors in a well-equipped center. In this method, the cornea is reshaped to correct vision defects. Therefore, a detailed examination and analysis of the patient’s eye structure and vision defects are essential. Each person's eyes are as unique as their DNA and fingerprints, and the treatment must be personalized. All treatment methods are commonly referred to as excimer laser or more popularly as laser eye surgery. However, excimer laser is the name of the device used in the treatment. The treatment is applied using different methods such as ILASIK, Intralase LASIK, LASEK, and PRK. The suitable method is determined by a specialist based on the examination and test results.”
Offering Freedom to the Eyes!
Dr. Nail Sönmez shares the advantages of laser treatment: “Excimer laser treatment corrects refractive errors, eliminating vision complaints. This method also offers freedom to patients who rely on glasses to see clearly and perform daily activities. It addresses aesthetic concerns related to wearing glasses. The treatment takes about 5 minutes for each eye. Patients do not feel any pain during the procedure, and there is no need for bandages afterward. Most patients can return to work and daily life the day after the treatment.”
Who Can Benefit from Laser Treatment?
Dr. Nail Sönmez provides information on who can benefit from excimer laser treatment: “To be eligible for laser treatment, patients must be over 18 years old and have had no progression in their astigmatism, hyperopia, or myopia complaints for at least a year. This treatment is not applied to those with eye diseases such as keratoconus and glaucoma, systemic conditions like diabetes and rheumatism, pregnant women, or new mothers who are breastfeeding. Not all eye structures may be suitable for laser treatment. For patients with high refractive errors, phakic intraocular lens or lensectomy surgeries may be applied to correct the vision defect.”
Remember, these blog posts are for informational purposes only. If you have any medical concerns or questions, please consult a doctor.