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Laser eye surgery, commonly known as "laser eye correction," involves reshaping the cornea, the clear tissue covering the eye, using laser light. This method is used to correct specific vision problems like myopia, astigmatism, and hyperopia, allowing for sharper vision and proper focus.

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Premium smart lenses are intraocular lenses that offer a solution for both vision problems such as myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism, as well as cataracts. These lenses, also known as trifocal lenses, are commonly referred to as "lifetime lenses" or "trifocal lenses."

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A cataract is a condition in which the natural lens inside the eye becomes cloudy, leading to a decrease in vision clarity. It is commonly age-related, but can also occur in newborns, diabetics, people who have suffered eye trauma, and those using long-term corticosteroid medication.

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Common eye diseases include myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, cataracts, glaucoma, and retinal diseases. These conditions can affect the ability to see and, if left untreated, can lead to serious consequences. Regular eye examinations and early diagnosis are crucial.

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Oculoplasty, also known as eye aesthetics, deals with cosmetic issues around the eyes, ocular oncology, orbital (eye socket) diseases, prosthetic eye issues, tear duct diseases, and eyelid diseases. As aesthetic appearance becomes increasingly important in today's world, interest in such treatments is growing.

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Early detection and treatment of vision problems in children is crucial as they respond more quickly to treatment during this period. Pediatric eye examination and treatment are also essential for acquiring the fundamental developmental skills listed below.

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Cornea treatments involve various methods to address eye health issues. These include corneal transplants, surgical procedures to alter the corneal tissue, interventions to correct surface irregularities, and techniques to treat corneal diseases.

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Retina treatments involve various methods to treat retinal diseases. These include injections, laser treatments, and surgical interventions, all aimed at preserving retinal health and preventing vision loss.

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An eye examination is a routine medical evaluation to check eye health and diagnose vision disorders. During an eye examination, intraocular pressure, eye tension, retina condition, and overall eye health are assessed.